Friday, June 27, 2014

Time to Declutter

The title for my first post has a double meaning. The literally meaning being… my Bible is stuffed full of bulletins from the past few months and I must clean it out. The second meaning is more personal. Each Sunday I feel the Holy Spirit working in my mind and heart, and I take copious notes on phrases, verses, and thoughts I want to remember. But for any of you like me, I need to communicate and ponder on these things to truly learn and take them to heart. So, that is one of the main purposes for this blog.

I've never really done a blog before. In fact, I feel a little behind the times to now start one so late in the game. I mean, the word "blog" was officially added to the dictionary in 2004 when I was starting high school for crying out loud. Where have I been? Yes, I jumped on the bandwagon a few years back but never really had a driving purpose to keep one up.

Really, this blog is just for me to get out thoughts I've had on messages I've heard or from my daily walk with God and reading His Word. I named this blog Biblical Health Renewal because I've been on a health kick as of late. Two weeks ago, I stepped on the scale and my heart dropped. I had never seen those particular three numbers in that order show up on the dialog screen. Right then I knew I needed to make some sort of change in my eating and exercising habits. I'm not a particularly large person by any means, but I think if you feel "out of shape" or unsatisfied with how you feel after you eat, then it's time for you to do something about it. So I did. Of course nowadays, "there's an app for that", and I took the plunge into the eating healthy pool of salads and low-carb meals. I'm happy to say, I feel great. My appetite has subsided from its usual "I need to eat all the time" mindset. Water has become satisfying to me, and I'm activity working in some type of exercise into my daily routine. But, as great as I feel about my eating habits, I'm not happy with my habits spiritually. Every Sunday I crave The Word and openly give praise for all of the great things He has done. I leave church with this sense of revival and yearning to start my week off soaking my mind in His Word and in meditation and prayer, and yet, it's Friday night and I realize I have maybe opened my Bible twice this week. I somehow come up with excuses for why I don't have the time to read or the right words to pray. My hope is that by using this platform, even if I'm the only one who ever reads it, I will be reminded and committed to write out my thoughts on what I'm reading and learning in the Bible. I don't want my "quiet time" or daily walk with God to be a quick "going through the motions" type of habit. I need to contemplate more on His teachings and how it relates to my life.

So, here it is. I'm getting rid of mindless thoughts and information like celebrity gossip and reading Buzzfeed articles every night before going to bed, and I am going to focus on what truly matters. God's Word and all that He has in store for us as His children. Here is my surrender to Christ and His will for me.

P.S. Since I'm a teacher, oh course I will using wonderful clipart or pictures in my posts because who doesn't learn better with visuals!

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